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Louisiana ranks as worst state in another study, with poverty, poor health among factors

SHREVEPORT (Shreveport Times) Another study has ranked Louisiana as America's worst state to live in, citing high rates of poverty and poor health among factors determining the ranking.

The WalletHub study released Monday compared the 50 states across 51 key indicators of livability. They range from housing costs and income growth to the education rate and hospital systems.

Massachusettes ranked No. 1 as the top state to live in, while Louisiana's neighbors Arkansas ranked No. 48, Mississippi 45th and Texas 36th.

Among the Louisiana individual rankings within the report: Housing costs, 40th; percentage of population in poverty, 49th; income growth, 47th; adults in fair or poor health, 46th; and average weekly work hours, 45th.

Within major sectors of the WalletHub study Louisiana's economy ranked 50th, education/healthcare 48th and safety 44th.

For the full Wallethub report go to Best States to Live in 2024 (

That follows a WalletHub study last month that ranked Louisiana as the worst state for the highest percentage of at-risk youth, showing Louisiana with the highest percentage of at risk youth based on 15 indicators.

The newest study also mirrors Louisiana's last-place ranking for the second consecutive year in the U.S. News and World Report's 2024 Best States report, which cited an atmosphere of violent crime, poisonous industrial pollution, poverty and a dwindling population among the state's hardships.

It also tracks with last year's Kids Count report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation ranking Louisiana 49th for child well-being.

Overall, about one in five Louisianans live in poverty, and one in five also receive federal food assistance.

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